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Applied Physics Letters, Optics Express, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Applied Optics, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Optics Continuum, Laser Physics Letters等学术期刊审稿人






3 GHz高重频飞秒光纤激光器的研究,中央高校基本科研业务费博士启动项目,2017.012018.12,主持

3 GHz 基频锁模掺Tm 光纤激光器基础问题的研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2016.112018.05,主持



[1]. Y. Tao, F. Wang, W. Shao, K. Chen, L. Gan, W. Yu, H. Lin, Q. Lu, C. Yu*, and H. Cheng*, “Large mode-field area element hybridized glass fibers for gigahertz ultrafast lasers”, Optics Express, 31(19), 3056230569 (2023). (SCI)

[2]. H. Cheng*, K. Chen, Y. Tao, and W. Shao, “Dissipative solitons in centimeter-scale fiber lasers”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2023.3292846 (2023). (SCI)

[3]. K. Chen, L. Gan, Y. Tao, W. Shao, W. Yu, H. Lin, Z. Cai, and H. Cheng*, “Environmental stable, spectral-shape-controllable, GHz femtosecond Yb-doped fiber laser”, Chinese Optics Letters, 21(6), 061601, (2023). (SCI)

[4]. H. Cheng*, X. Huang, M. Jiang, J. Yang, L. Lin, T. Li, Z. Cai, and S. Zhou*, “A 1625 nm Q-switched all-fiber laser”, Advanced Photonics Research, 3(3), 2100320, (2022). (SCI)

[5]. X. Huang, H. Cheng*, W. Luo, W. Zhang, M. Jiang, C. Yang, T. Yu, Z. Cai, Z. Xu, X. Shu, Z. Yang, J. Qiu, and S. Zhou*, “Er-Activated hybridized glass fiber for laser and sensor in the extended wavebands”, Advanced Optical Materials, 9(24), 2101394, 2021. (SCI)

[6]. H. Cheng*, W. Lin, Y. Zhang, M. Jiang, W. Luo, “Numerical insights into the pulse instability in a GHz repetition-rate thulium-doped fiber laser”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(5), 14641470 (2021). (SCI)

[7]. T. Qiao†, H. Cheng†, X. Wen, W. Wang, W. Lin, Y. Zhou, Y. Guo, Y. Liu, and Z. Yang*, “High-power 2 GHz fs pulsed all-fiber amplified laser system at 2.0 µm”, Optics Letters, 44(24), 60016004 (2019). (SCI)

[8]. W. Wang, W. Lin, H. Cheng*, Y. Zhou, T. Qiao, Y. Liu, P. Ma, S. Zhou, and Z. Yang*, “Gain-guided soliton: Scaling repetition rate of passively modelocked Yb-doped fiber lasers to 12.5 GHz”, Optics Express, 27(8), 1043810448 (2019). (SCI)

[9]. Y. Zhou, W. Lin, H. Cheng*, W. Wang, T. Qiao, Q. Qian, S. Xu, and Z. Yang*, “Composite filtering effect in a SESAM mode-locked fiber laser with a 3.2-GHz fundamental repetition rate: Switchable states from single soliton to pulse bunch”, Optics Express, 26(8), 1084210857 (2018). (SCI)

[10]. H. Cheng*, W. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Qiao, W. Lin, Y. Guo, S. Xu, and Z. Yang*, “High-repetition-rate ultrafast fiber lasers”, Optics Express, 26(13), 1641116421 (2018). (SCI)

[11]. H. Cheng*, W. Lin, Z. Luo, and Z. Yang, “Passively mode-locked Tm3+-doped fiber laser with gigahertz fundamental repetition rate,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(3), 1100106 (2018). (SCI)

[12]. H. Cheng*, W. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Qiao, W. Lin, S. Xu, and Z. Yang*, “5 GHz fundamental repetition rate, wavelength tunable, all-fiber passively mode-locked Yb-fiber laser”, Optics Express, 25(22), 2764627651 (2017). (SCI)

[13]. H. Cheng*, Y. Zhou, A. E. Mironov, W. Wang, T. Qiao, W. Lin, Q. Qian, S. Xu, Z. Yang*, and J. G. Eden “Mode suppression of 53 dB and pulse repetition rates of 2.87 and 36.4 GHz in a compact, mode-locked fiber laser comprising coupled Fabry-Perot cavities of low finesse (F=2),”, Optics Express, 25(20), 2440024409 (2017). (SCI)

[14]. H. Cheng*, W. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Qiao, W. Lin, S. Xu, and Z. Yang*, “Investigation of rectangular shaped wave packet dynamics in a high-repetition-rate ultrafast fiber laser”, Optics Express, 25(17), 2012520132 (2017). (SCI)

[15]. H. Cheng, W. Lin, T. Qiao, S. Xu, and Z. Yang*, “Theoretical and experimental analysis of instability of continuous wave mode locking: Towards high fundamental repetition rate in Tm3+-doped fiber lasers”, Optics Express, 24(26), 2988229895 (2016). (SCI)

[16]. H. Cheng*, A. E. Mironov, J. H. Ni, H. J. Yang, W. W. Chen, Z. Dai, P. D. Dragic, J. Dong, S. –J. Park, and J. G. Eden, “Coupling quantum dots to optical fiber: Low pump threshold laser in the red with a near top hat beam profile,” Applied Physics Letters, 106(8), 081106 (2015). (SCI)

[17]. H. Cheng, Z. Luo*, Y. Huang, C. Liu, J. Dong, Z. Cai, and H. Xu, “Low-pump-threshold supercontinuum generation and optimization in PCF-intracavity-excited Q-switched fiber lasers,” Optics Communications, 321, 145149 (2014). (SCI)

[18]. H. Cheng, Z. Luo*, C. Ye, Y. Huang, C. Liu, “Numerical modeling of mid-infrared fiber optical parametric oscillator based on the degenerated FWM of tellurite photonic crystal fiber,” Applied Optics, 52(3), 525529 (2013). (SCI)

[19]. H. Cheng, Z. Luo, C. Ye*, C. Liu, Z. Liu “Graphene-based erbium-doped fiber soliton laser with passive mode locking and tunable harmonic orders,” Journal of Optoelectronics · Laser, 23(6), 10351038 (2012). (EI)
